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Reviewing Essay

Special Sessions

The editorial board expects floating ‘Special Sessions’ to supplement the regular program of ICISSC-2024 in terms of emerging research topics of a specific domain of interest by eminent professors and researchers (based on their specialization and research accomplishments). The general requirements and guidelines for the ‘Special Session Proposal’ are provided below:

1. Each special session should provide an overview of the state-of-the-art and highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to conference participants. It should be a focused proposal rather than being defined broadly/generally. We therefore expect that there are no overlaps with the regular tracks of ICISSC-2024

2. The following should be included in the proposal (not exceeding 02 pages):

(a) Title of the proposed special session along with short abbreviation.
(b) Names/affiliation of the Session Chair(s) (including brief bio and contact info) along with email-id of all chairs).
(c) Session abstract/theme (should clearly mention the significance of the topic and the rationale of the need for the proposed session).
(d) Topics of Interest.

(e) Submission Process (E-Mail submission only).


3. The final approval of the proposed session would be based on the novelty and the key area focused along with its multi-disciplinary essence.


4. Please submit your Special Session Proposal by email



5. The decision of approval will be communicated within three days along with detailed procedural guidelines’. Your approved ‘Call for Papers-for Special Session’ would be then uploaded on this webpage.



Template for preparation of Special Session Proposal : Click Here 

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